Obliquely Straight
It does baffle me when responsible people in responsible posts exhibit behaviour that I believe, is irresponsible.
What would you expect to happen in the following scenario?
With evidence loaded against him, X is sentenced for an imprisonment of 10 years by the High Court. X appeals against the order in the Supreme Court. When X has already gone through a year's sentence, the Supreme Court finds new evidence in favour of X and pronounces X innocent.
Would you not, in this case, expect X to be released immediately? But, there comes a twist.
The Supreme Court says, since X has already been for a year in prison and since X is still in prison, let X spend the remaining years of the sentence in prison. That is, though the Supreme Court over rules the High Court, though it, in effect, says that the High Court is wrong to have put X behind bars, it still says X can go on in jail, now that X is in jail anyway!
The Supreme Court says, since X has already been for a year in prison and since X is still in prison, let X spend the remaining years of the sentence in prison. That is, though the Supreme Court over rules the High Court, though it, in effect, says that the High Court is wrong to have put X behind bars, it still says X can go on in jail, now that X is in jail anyway!
If the dissolution of the Bihar Assembly was unlawful, if the Cabinet or the Governor or any other scapegoat was wrong in trashing a democratic verdict, then, it should be a matter of the least botheration whether elections are underway or not. The fact is that some people in power committed a crime and they should be brought to justice. Even if every preparation for the elections is over, even if elections are to be held this day, they ought to be cancelled and the party thrown out of power must be brought back.
I find it strange that every lawyer, every politician, every judge and every commentator talks of the verdict expected in the coming elections when the Supreme Court has annulled the prescription of the Governor in the first place - where does another election figure in the picture here?
I am not an Accountant; but for some reason, the term "Sunk Costs" keeps ringing in my ears. There is enough drama going on in this country - let's not add further mockery to it.