Thursday, September 22, 2005

Re-branding and a New Logo

We don’t blame just them.
It's their way of life - that they pose for snaps in the slums, whenever they pay a visit here. They are so used to it - that they want to be in the news and be seen all time. They are rich and wealthy - that they want to highlight it with their supercilious attitude.
We look upon them with awe - that their lifestyle is advanced and are glib in their language. We dig ourselves in the inferiority hole - that they are fairer, richer, taller. The media wants cover photos - that they adorn them with garlands and place them among hapless kids.
They are most welcome to tour around. But, let them not think we stoop down to beg. Its been years since we were divided and were ruled over. Its been centuries since our wealth went on to adorn their crowns. It’s time to face the new realities.
We are in the process of re-designing our Logo. Once we are done with it, they are bound to know.
Till then, we just don’t blame them.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Weighted Voting

Why should the knowledgeable, socially responsible citizen be having just the same say over matters of National interests as a raw human being who doesnt care to think beyond himself/ herself?

Accepted standards are available in the forms of Bhushans and Vibhushans and Ratnas. Why waste them? Why not incorporate more of those into the system? Its not about education. It is by no means about social status. It has nothing to do with personal wealth. Its just about a way to measure social awareness, sensitivities to issues that affect the common man, service to the society, contribution to the Nation. Its about selfless behaviour.
Set a system up and running that identifies people, recognises their efforts and awards them extra voting rights!